Content types

EdWeb 2 offers a variety of content types, also known as page types, to suit the purposes of your content.

Navy background with a white graphic of a website outline and 4 horizontal lines across the centre of the webpage.

Generic content will be the page you use the most when creating your site. 

A navy background with a white graphic outline of a website with an icon of a calendar inside.

The event content type allows you to create pages for specific events and provide details that can help advertise them online. 

Navy background with a white graphic of a webpage outline and a white loudhaler in the centre.

News pages in EdWeb 2 can be used to publish news articles and periodic updates to your website.  

Navy background with a website outline with a large horizontal box and 3 smaller boxes beneath it.

The landing page content type is designed to act as a gateway and introduction to your site.  

Navy background with a white graphic of a website outline and 3 circles merging into an arrow.

The overview page aids navigation and acts as the top of a group of content pages. 

A white outline of a website with a checked and unchecked box inside on a navy background.

EdWeb2 allows you to create a very wide variety of forms for your needs.

This content type is currently in development.

This content type is currently in development.