Two column

The 'Two column' component allows you to display two different pieces of content side by side in a two-column layout.

In the 'Two column' component, you can choose to add body text or images to the two-column layout.

The enables you to: 

  • display two paragraphs or two images horizontally, in comparison with each other
  •  display an image to the left or right of, rather than below, a piece of text content. 

You can add text and image as you normally would in EdWeb 2. 

Examples of the Two column component

Placing images alongside text can reduce the page length, which limits the need for users to scroll to find information and can encourage users to make connections between images and text.

A male student works from his laptop in a one-person study pod.

Two paragraphs of body text can be displayed alongside each other using the Two column component.

Generally, it is good to write web content left-aligned and in one column. However, you might want to use two columns of text to hold two connected pieces of information in equal consideration. For instance, a written statement and a bullet point list summarising key information. 

Similarly, multiple images of equal importance an be displayed without making the page too long.

The two-column images below show different opportunities for physical activity offered by the University:

  • Team sports at the Peffermill Playing Fields or various indoor sports halls
  • Individual sports at the various gym and athletics facilities such the Pleasance Gym.
A group of three women play hockey in University brand sports clothes.
A young woman deadlifts a bar with yellow weights on the end in the Pleasance gym.
Professor Anneila Sargent stands in red graduation robes in front of one of the doors of McEwan Hall. She is laughing and holding an award scroll.

You could use the two-column component to display a staff or student photo beside important information about them.

For example you could highlight an important member of staff or member of your College community, like this example of Professor Anneila Sargent who graduated in Physics in 1963.

Text and images - find out more

If you would like more detailed information about how to use body text and images on your webpages, take a look at our demonstration site pages: 


Body text - EdWeb 2 Demonstration Site 


Images - EdWeb 2 Demonstration Site