Body text

EdWeb 2 allows you to format your body text in various different ways, as well as providing user-friendly headings and the ability to rearrange your paragraphs on your webpage.

The 'Body text' component is the component you will use for most of the written content on your webpages. You can type your content directly into the box, or copy and paste it from an external document, for example a Word document.  

The size of your body text is standardised to make sure University webpages are both readable and visually consistent.  

Along the top of the text box, there are options for you to format your text in the way that best suits your content. These options are:  

  • Bold text  
  • Block quotations  
  • Headings  
  • Inline referencing styles  
  • Bullet points and numbering  
  • Subscript and superscript  
  • Inserting abbreviations  
  • Inserting links  

Writing style

Your EdWeb 2 text content should be written in plain English to make your content accessible, readable and inclusive.  

You should use British English spellings and use clear, simple vocabulary with as little jargon as possible. When using jargon or acronyms, you should tag them for accessibility and clarity. 

Your text content should also follow our Inclusive Language principles, to make sure you write in a way that avoids bias and conveys respect to all University members and all  website visitors.

For more detail about writing style and using plain English, you can visit our Editorial Style.