Web content tools and URL shortener

The Website Publishing team supply a number of widgets and tools including a URL shortener, which can be used on University websites to comply with cookies legislation or to more easily integrate with University systems.

Access the widgets

Google map embed (including single pinned location)Allows you to create a customised Google Map without privacy-invasive cookies. The tool provides a small amount of HTML code which can be used to embed the map on your website.Google map embed
URL shortener - edin.acQuickly shorten any large ed.ac.uk URL to an edin.ac short URL.URL shortener
Video embeds - YouTube and Vimeo (including playlists)This tool uses YouTube or Vimeo video URLs and outputs a small amount of HTML code. You can use it to place cookie free video resources on your web pages.Video embeds - YouTube/Vimeo

These widgets are only for use within the ed.ac.uk domain.

Cookies legislation

We identified that some popular features on our websites were also making use of privacy-invasive cookies, putting the University in breach of EUlegislation.

We have provided cookies-free alternatives to these features.

Cookie guidance - Website Support wiki [EASE login required]