Editorial Guidance

This page provides guidance on how to format the content on your site.


The structure and navigation of the sites within EdWeb 2 have been designed carefully following extensive user testing  and consideration of the University Information Architetchture principles.

Website and Communications Blog

Purposeful Content

Be clear about what you want to achieve with a page and stick to it. Summaries are a good way to provide an overview of the page's purpose.

It is important to understand both the goals of your unit and your audiences' needs:

  • What do you want to achieve online?
  • What does your audience want to know or do?

You need to consider what content you need to generate to meet these requirements and how you can organise this content in a way that meets audience needs and expectations.

Editorial style guide

The University provides an A to Z style guide is a reference tool for University staff, external suppliers, and freelance copyeditors. It outlines the standards of English usage for all University content.

Use the editorial style guide whenever you’re producing content for publication.

Editorial style guidelines

Edinburgh Global Experience Language (EdGEL)

Look and feel/ EdGel (summarise university branding and limitations, then link out?) 

The Edinburgh Global Experience Language (EdGEL) is a set of best practice guidelines, explicit style guides and tools that describe design principles to support the University brand. It provides a consistent University digital experience and for it to be used by core University services.

EdGEL makes available live code examples of design elements and patterns, available EdWeb 2 content type outputs and work in progress.

Edinburgh GEL website