Add contact

EdWeb 2 offers a consistently styled template for providing contact details on your website.

When you use the 'Add contact' component, you can choose from two different styling options, 'Person' or 'Generic'.

Person contact

You can use the 'Person' contact option to provide an individual's details. You can enter: 

  • their names 
  • their role 
  • their awards 
  • their contact details 
  • a photo of them
  • extra details

Generic contact

You can use the 'Generic' option when referring to a University department or office, when there is no person assigned to a role, or when the person does not wish to be personally identified. You can provide the following details: 

  • organisation title(s)
  • contact details 
  • extra details

You can see our Website Support contact details below as an example of how the contact card could look on a page. 

Website Support

Website and Communications

University of Edinburgh Information Services

Contact details